Hi all. Sorry for the radio silence - I've been travelling for the last two weeks and it is hard to find the time to put into blogging. Here's a recap of the links I found over the past few weeks - and apologies in advance to those of you whose posts I have missed. Please email me and I will be sure to include it next week.
- Gluon released Gluon Mobile 5.0.0, the framework for building JavaFX-based applications that can be deployed across iOS and Android devices.
- Gluon also announced first-class commercial support for JavaFX.
- Relatedly, Johan Vos posted an article on the Oracle Developers site about deep learning on (mobile) clients, where he discusses using mobile devices, along with Gluon technology, to enable artificial intelligence without excessive network overheads (by running the intelligence on the device).
- Sebastian Suchanowski has posted about building a custom vertical tab bar using JFXTabPane.
- Gerrit Grunwald has been playing around with recreating the iOS look in JavaFX - and it looks nice :-)
- Markus Falkhausen has posted class diagrams for JavaFX 10.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, May 21”