Java Desktop links of the week, January 22

Hello everyone! Apologies for the radio silence for so long - I've received many emails from people worried I had disappeared into a black hole :-) It's just been super hectic around here - Christmas, new years, a lot of travel - but now things are settling down and I can get back into the groove of posting these links again.

  • Gerrit Grunwald continues to do amazing things with JavaFX charts. He has posts on a "Florence Nightingale inspired Coxcomb Chart", Nested Bar Charts, and Stream Charts.
  • Glazed Lists 1.11.0 has been released.
  • ScraM has been updated: "Kids and adults alike can make games of all kinds in ScraM.  With a drag-and-drop designer (built with JavaFX), ScraM makes coding fun and
    easy.  Get it all here, and watch videos here."
  • Dmitry Kan has announced a new release of Luke, a "toolbox for analyzing and maintaining your Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch index on low level."

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