Sorry for the irregular posts recently - whilst on paternity leave my time was limited and it wasn't always easy to get posts out. Now that I'm back at work I can more easily get things written. Apologies to anyone I may have missed - keeping an eye out on latest developments was also a little difficult. Anyway, there's a lot to cover this week:
- Jens Deters has release FontAwesomeFX 8.15, with support for EmojiOne font icons and a number of bug fixes. He has also put the code out for his TimeboxFX 2 project.
- Cuchaz has posted the source for his Time Tracker project, a 'colorful calendar-like interface for tracking how you spend your time.'
- Tom Schindl has two posts to cover. Firstly, a post on building a JavaFX-based Java IDE. Secondly, he has posted about e(fx)clipse and the future of e4 on JavaFX.
- Gerrit Grunwald continues to refine his great-looking TilesFX project.
- BlueJ 4.0.0, a free Java IDE designed for beginners, has been released with support for JavaFX.
- Edvin Syse has announced the release of TornadoFX 1.7.0.
- Speaking of TornadoFX, Ron Smits has blogged about forms in TornadoFX.
- Michael Heinrichs has released ReduxFX 0.2.
- Manuel Mauky has announced the release of mvvmFX 1.6.0.
- Dirk Lemmermann has blogged about FXSampler, a simple app I wrote in the ControlsFX project to demonstrate components. Because it is open source and designed for anyone to use, it has found a lot of use in other JavaFX projects.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, March 13”