- There are a bunch of updated libraries / apps this week, including:
- FXGL (a JavaFX game library / engine),
- FXForm 2 (dynamic JavaFX form generation),
- TornadoFX (Kotlin framework for JavaFX),
- VocabHunter (a foreign language training app), and
- PikaTimer (a JavaFX race timing app)
- William Antonio has blogged about k-means and decision tree using Weka and JavaFX.
- Oliver Milke has written about getting started with Gluon Mobile - running JavaFX apps on iOS and Android.
- Andres Almiray has written about writing JavaFX applications with Kotlin.
- Christoph Nahr has posted about Myriarch for Java - which "attempts a precise real-time simulation of pre-gunpowder tactical warfare."
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, June 19”