A good number of links this week! Everyone is clearly working hard :-)
- Gerrit Grunwald continues to add skins to TilesFX, his dashboard library for JavaFX.
- Tom Eugelink has written about 'the art of waiting', where he looks into asynchronous communication with APIs such as CompleteableFuture, RxJava, and JDeferred.
- William Antonio has written a cool post displaying an app that recognises handwritten digits using Deeplearning4j and JavaFX.
- Johan Vos has written about taking a closer look at JavaFX.
- Alexej Sailer has open source a simple graphs library for JavaFX.
- Andres Almiray has posted about how to 'boost your JavaFX applications with Griffon'.
- The Musicott music manager / player continues to be developed. As an open source project using a number of other open source libraries, it is a good project for others to consider learning from.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, June 12”