Java desktop links of the week, July 24

Ok - lets dust the cobwebs off this blog huh? Sorry about the silence folks, it's been quite hectic around here with some travelling and conference distractions, as well as a huge amount of other stuff going on. Anyway, hopefully the worst is behind and I can get back to what is important! :-) Apologies if I missed your link - let me know and I'll be sure to include it next week.

  • Dirk Lemmermann has posted about 'going dark' with a darcula-inspired theme in JavaFX. This is one of those amazing things people don't always understand about how JavaFX UI controls work - with only a very minor amount of CSS, the entire UI can change style considerably.
  • Florian Brunner has released Drombler FX 0.10. This version is mainly a bug fix release and especially fixes some issues on Macs.
  • Almas Baimagambetov continues to put out releases of FXGL - his JavaFX game library.
  • Peter Rogge continues to make releases of his lib-preferences library, 'for easy storing simple data to a file in a JavaFx & Maven desktop application.'
  • Mohammad Hossein Rimaz has a post about 'Nonsense Mathematics to Awesome Visualization' where he creates cool-looking JavaFX visualisations.

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