Another year already! I hope everyone had a good break over the holiday period. I know I did, although I have to say I wish it were longer! In any case, I've been away on holiday and not keeping a close eye on the latest Java desktop news, so apologies to people who worked hard and who I have missed. Please email me and I'll be sure to include you next week.
- Thomas Nield has written a free online book on 'Learning RxJava with JavaFX'. This covers RxJavaFX, which is RxJava bindings for JavaFX.
- Kotlin is becoming a more popular language, and there are a team of people working on a project called TornadoFX, which makes working with JavaFX a lot nicer. Edvin Syse has written much of the code, and recently has posted (at least) three posts on this subject. They are titled 'Leveraging TornadoFX to the fullest', 'TornadoFX runAsync with TaskStatus', and 'Live hacking with TornadoFX'. Ron Smits has a post also, titled 'TornadoFX it's also a CDI framework'.
- Gerrit Grunwald has been very busy, releasing updates to a number of his open source projects: Medusa, TilesFX, and Regulators.
- Mohammad Hossein Rimaz has posted his 'JavaFX in Action' slides online for others to learn from.
- Thierry Wasylczenko has released JStackFX 1.3. JStackFX is a tool for analyzing thread dumps.
- Almas Baimagambetov has worked on upates to his FXGL library - a JavaFX game engine.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, January 9”