I missed last weeks links due to the arrival of my second child, and I've been on paternity leave since then. Therefore, I might have missed some links, but feel free to email me and I'll get them included next week.
- Thomas Nield has released RxKotlinFX 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 releases.
- Gerrit Grunwald has released an updated TilesFX with improved map tile support.
- Dan Newton has written about editable tables in JavaFX. Normally I would review these articles for accuracy before linking to them, but time constraints mean I haven't this time around - hopefully it is accurate :-)
- Dan Newton has also posted about 'Size does matter (in JavaFX)', an article about configuring JavaFX charts.
- Markus Falkhausen has finished his class diagrams project for JavaFX.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, February 27”