Java desktop links of the week, October 31

A number of great links this week - great work everyone! :-)

  • Andreas Billmann has a post about Kotlin and TornadoFX. The guys working on TornadoFX are doing huge amounts of work!
  • Adrian Romero has been working on a pretty cool programmable calculator for mobile devices, making use of JavaFXPorts.
  • Speaking of JavaFX on mobile devices and JavaFXPorts, Gluon has released Gluon Mobile 4.0.0, which includes a frankly insane number of improvements.
  • Florian Brunner has released Drombler FX 0.8. Drombler FX is a modular JavaFX application framework. This release comes with support for 'single instance' applications, and an initial version of a data framework.
  • Christoph Nahr has a post about the JavaFX Spinner control, and using it to spin through numbers.

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