A number of interesting links this week. Enjoy!
- Jeff Martin has posted about his work getting JavaFX running in the browser using TeaVM.
- Rob Terpilowski has blogged about how to import GMapsFX into Scene Builder.
- Dierk Koenig has posted a YouTube video of his FregeFX talk at JavaOne.
- David Gilbert has announced the release of JFreeSVG 3.2. JFreeSVG is a library for generating SVG content via the standard Java2D APIs. This release includes provision for user specified width and height units, an optional viewBox attribute, and a few bug fixes based on user feedback.
- Manuel Mauky has posted about building TodoMVC - a simple task management app. He plans to build this in a few different ways to demonstrate different frameworks and patterns that can be used to build JavaFX applications.
- There are a few apps I've been informed of this week that use JavaFX that have had new releases. These include SmartCSV.fx, trainchinese, SlideshowFX, and MQ Visual Edit.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, October 10”