Lots of good links - enjoy!
- Jens Deters has released FontAwesomeFX 8.13, with updated icon fonts and other bug fixes.
- Jens has also released MQTT.fx 1.2.0 recently, which includes bug fixes and some new usability improvements.
- Davild Gilbert has released an updated Orson Charts library. Orson Charts is "an open source 3D chart library for JavaFX and Swing. This release adds a change notification mechanism for the XYZSeriesCollection dataset, generics for classes throughout the API plus upgrades to the FXGraphics2D and JFreeSVG dependencies (bringing in bug fixes and other improvements)."
- Adam Carroll has released VocabHunter 1.0.18.
- Christoph Nahr has written a class diagrammer in JavaFX.
- Nicholas Jensen has written Drop Bay, an encrypted notes application built with JavaFX.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, November 7”