- The RoboVM team announced the release of RoboVM 1.0. Included in their blog post is details about their commercial licenses, as well as providing a look under the hood of their technology.
- The guys at Gluon have released updated installers for Scene Builder to offer a self-contained version that includes a JRE. The standalone jar file option remains.
- Speaking of Gluon, they have also released a NetBeans plugin to automate a large chunk of the work involved with creating mobile applications built with JavaFX.
- For users of my openjfx-dialogs builds, I have released version 1.0.3 which consists of (almost) exactly the same bits as what shipped in JavaFX 8u40. If you are stuck on an earlier build of JavaFX, download this jar if you want to show dialogs.
- Marco Jakob has updated his JavaFX tutorial for JavaFX 8u40.
- Eugen Kiss has announced the release of KotlinFX 0.1.
- Tom Schindl has posted a slide deck about 'JavaFX @'.
- Michael Heinrichs has posted an update about JavaFX running in the browser (using WebGL, without applets).
- Wim Deblauwe has posted using Font Awesome in JavaFX with fontawesomefx.
- Chris Newland has announced DemoFX, a benchmarking tool for JavaFX.
- René Jahn has posted about drag'n'drop support for JavaFX' TabPane.
- Jan Gassen has posted about adding a custom image renderer to JavaFX 8.
- Christoph Nahr has posted about some of the changes in JavaFX 8u40.
- Christoph Keimel has blogged about walking the JavaFX scenegraph.
- Chris Noë has posted a tutorial for building a JavaFX-based stock ticker application.
- The Griffon project has posted a tutorial about JavaFX views, using four different techniques.
- has posted about displaying the bitcoin price index using JavaFX charts.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, March 16”