Good links this week - enjoy!
- This week Johan Vos went on a bit of a media blitz. Firstly, he presented about JavaFX on Mobile to the Silicon Valley JavaFX Users Group. Secondly, he was interviewed by Voxxed, with the interview titled 'Gluon Bids to Pick Up Commercial Slack on JavaFX'.
- Robert Colton has created a docking control for JavaFX called DockFX.
- Christoph Keimel has posted about extending the JavaFX ComboBox and ChoiceBox.
- Pedro Duque Vieira has styled the JavaFX DatePicker control with a Windows Metro style for his JMetro project.
- Almas Baimagambetov has created FXGL, a "simple and easy to use Java 2D gaming library based on JavaFX 8"
- I came across these 3D JavaFX Charts recently by i2brain.
Catch you again next week.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, August 17”