Heaps of links - enjoy :-)
- ControlsFX 8.20.8 was released this week, primarily as a bug fix release, but it also included a few nice new controls - so get downloading if you use ControlsFX in your project!
- Hendrik Ebbers and Johan Vos have announced the release of DataFX 8.0. For anyone doing anything remotely interesting with JavaFX, you should definitely check out DataFX.
- Speaking of Johan, he has put up the JavaFX Ensemble application, with unchanged code, into the Android Play Store, as a proof of concept of what is now possible based on his hard work.
- Hendrik Ebbers extreme gui makeover presentation from JavaOne is now available online at Parleys (along with a bunch of other sessions).
- Tom Schindl has pulled out the JavaFX / e(fx)clipse related sessions that are going to be presented at EclipseCon this year - in case you'll be there.
- Florian Brunner has announced that Drombler FX 0.5 has been released. Drombler FX is a "modular Rich Client Platform for JavaFX based on OSGi and Maven (POM-first)."
- Carl Dea has open sourced the FX Playground project he demonstrated at JavaOne. As he puts it, FX Playground "allows a JavaFX or Html5 developer to run code on the fly without needing to compile a Java project."
- Adam Bien has posted a video showing how to create a composite view in JavaFX with Scene Builder and dependency injection.
- Jim Laskey has posted part one of his series on 'porting from the browser to Nashorn/JavaFX'.
- The SnapCode blog has details about a new feature in SnapCode - interactive exercises.
- Sébastien Bordes has written tip #3 for the JRebirth library: how to never write ‘new Thread()’ again.
- Michael Simons has posted about 'getting started with JavaFX 8: developing a REST client application from scratch'.
- Carl has two posts this week. Firstly, tabbed navigation in Java FX, and secondly, the delegate pattern and JavaFX.
Catch you next week :-)
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, October 27”