Surprise surprise - you folks are all hard at work on Java desktop blog posts! Keep it up, it's always great to read what you're all doing! :-)
- Tomas Mikula continues to post about his interesting ReactFX library, this week he discusses ReactFX's general stream combinator: State Machine.
- Gerrit Grunwald has two posts this week. Firstly, he has a brief post to announce that Enzo, his JavaFX component library, is available via Maven. Secondly, he has created a NeoPixel24 Ring representation in JavaFX using the Canvas node.
- Marco Jakob has three good posts this week, providing details on JavaFX 8 TableView sorting and filtering, JavaFX 8 event handling examples, and JavaFX TableView cell renderers.
- Rob Terp has a blog post about GMapsFX, a project that allows you to add Google maps to your JavaFX application. This is done using the JavaFX WebView component, with Java code being written to call into the JavaScript of Google Maps.
- Christoph Nahr has two posts this week. Firstly, he has a post about ListView text alignment (in particular, in relation to having multiple 'columns' of data in each ListCell). Secondly, he has a post about simulating Platform.runAndWait, which is API that is not shipped in JavaFX as it can lead to frozen UIs when used incorrectly (which is almost always).
- Steven Van Impe has posted part two of his series on JavaFX game loops.
- Falko Riemenschneider has a post about applying Clojure core.async to JavaFX.
- Jens Deters has posted a video of his MQTT FX application, which is a JavaFX application designed to publish and subscribe to MQTT topics.
- IDR Solutions have posted a video tutorial for their NetBeans/JavaFX PDF plugin
Catch you all next week.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, May 5”