Hi all. It's a public holiday where I am in New Zealand today, so I'm going to keep this post brief as my todo list is long. Enjoy! :-)
- This week a new release of Java 7 was made available, taking the versions to JDK 7u51 and JavaFX 2.2.51. In conjunction with this there is now updated documentation.
- Speaking of new releases, Scene Builder 2.0 b10 is now available for download for your testing.
- James Denvir has two blog posts up on his site. The first post covers 'JavaFX TableViews with ContextMenus', and the second post covers 'Reusable Row and Cell Factories for TableViews that generate ContextMenus'. James is a hard working contributor to the JavaFX forum, offering plenty of support to users of JavaFX.
- Tom Schindl has posted a screenshot of early progress on getting SWT to render with JavaFX. The screenshot shows Eclipse Kepler SR1 rendering (somewhat) with JavaFX, which is a major milestone!
- Robert Ladstätter has posted his 'home-made JavaFX SceneBuilder', using the Scene Builder source code that was recently open sourced.
- Björn has posted about integrating OpenStreetmap with JavaFX.
- Laurent Nicolas has a blog post about how he built a custom JavaFX control replicating the Nest thermostat look.
- Sven Ruppert has blogged about IoT with Java8 and TinkerForge (he also makes use of JavaFX).
Swing / Java2D
- Dave Gilbert has two posts about his JFreeChart / Orson Charts libraries. Firstly, he has a post about baking in new little features for the libraries, and secondly a post on the choosing of default chart colours.
That's all folks. Catch you next week!
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, January 20”