More days. Much work. Such links. Wow.
- Johan Vos continues to keep busily improving the JavaFX Android support. This week he has a very interesting blog post about using Android APIs from within JavaFX, such as the location services.
- Laurent Nicolas has posted part three about custom controls in JavaFX.
- Robert Ladstätter has posted about JavaFX 3D and LeapMotion.
- Michael Hoffer has posted video and code demonstrating how to get a 'milk glass' effect with JavaFX. Quite an interesting approach making use of the JavaFX snapshot API.
- The 'cathive developers' have open sourced fx-cdi: "some useful classes that help you to use CDI alongside / within your JavaFX applications."
- Sébastien Bordes has posted about a trick he learned from Jens Deters about cutting down on the amount of code required to load fxml files, simply by creating a convention where the fxml file is named in relation to the class file that will load it.
- Falko Riemenschneider has posted about an interactive JavaFX GUI development tool he has written that uses a custom DSL, rather than Java, to specify the user interface.
- The ustesis blog has a video (but no code that I can see?) showing a combined LineChart and TableView user interface, where they both visualise the same data.
- Jeff Martin has posted an update to SnapCode, the free educational IDE for Java and JavaFX, including a video of animation programming and pen graphics programming.
Catch you all again next week! :-)
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