There is a bunch of great links this week. Enjoy! :-)
- Claudine Zillmann blogged about restyling AquaFX in different colours. This really shows the power of CSS in JavaFX.
- ControlsFX 8.0.2 was released this week. This is a major release, including a bunch of new features (including SpreadsheetView, native dialog titlebars, HyperlinkLabel, and more), as well as a heap of bug fixes.
- Tom Schindl has a post titled "Where’s e(fx)clipse 0.9.0?". Read on to understand what is causing a slow-down for the next release of e(fx)clipse.
- Adam Bien has posted on JavaFX 8 with Convention over Configuration, Dependency Injection, Maven and SceneBuilder.
- Renato Athaydes has blogged about two testing tools he is involved in developing that can be used to test JavaFX and Swing applications.
- Tomas Mikula has posted code for his CodeAreaFX project, which is a "text area for JavaFX that supports assigning style classes for ranges of text. It is intended as a base for code editors with syntax highlighting."
- Bruno Borges has posted a video on YouTube introducing JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi.
- Christoph Nahr has blogged his thoughts on the feasibility of JavaFX on iOS and Android. There is also an interesting discussion that continues into the comments section.
- Chris Newland has posted his JITWatch tool, a JavaFX-based tool for understanding the behaviour of the Java HotSpot Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler during the execution of your program.
- Sven Ruppert has two posts this week. Firstly, he has a post on complex PropertyBindings. Secondly, he has a post on using Kotlin inside JavaFX with CDI.
- I came across jo-widgets this week, which is a project to provide a 'single sourcing GUI API for Java'. In other words, it provides a single API for you to write Java desktop applications, regardless of what the implementation actually is (e.g. SWT, Swing, JavaFX, etc).
Keep up the really excellent work everyone, and I'll catch you all in a weeks time :-)
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, October 14”