A heap of links this week! Keep up the great work folks :-)
- JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 early access build 6 is now available for download, including support for Mac OS X.
- Sean Phillips has blogged about visualizing NASA Ground System Data Products using JavaFX and the NetBeans Platform.
- Johan Vos was interviewed regarding his work on JavaFX, Leap Motion, and social integration.
- Tom Schindl is busy exploring how to develop iOS applications using RoboVM and e(fx)clipse, and has posted a tutorial covering all the steps. He has also posted about how SWT support in JavaFX 8.0 has changed (but that you should be careful of build 115).
- Speaking of RoboVM, Satoshi Takami has posted a slide deck about RoboVM, related to how it can be used to build user interfaces using JavaFX.
- Michael has posted that he has got his first application built using JavaFX into the Mac App Store.
- Florian Brunner has announced the release of Drombler FX Version 0.2. Drombler FX is a modular Rich Client Platform for JavaFX based on OSGi and Maven (POM-first).
- Rob Terpilowski was interviewed recently on his companies use of JavaFX.
- Jens Deters has released a new build of FontAwesomeFX with support for FontAwesome 4.0.1.
- Masato Nagai has posted about how to build OpenJFX on OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
- Sven Ruppert has blogged about how he is using Java 8 streams and improved collections API to speed up the generation of JavaFX charts.
- Pedro Duque Vieira continues to improve JMetro, this week improving ScrollBar, ScrollPane, ToggleButton, and RadioButton.
Catch you all next week.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, November 11”