Hi all. Welcome to the first post of the new year! I hope you all had a chance to wind down for a few days over the holidays. I did, but it's great to be back at work now as I have a lot to get done this year! Today is my sixth wedding anniversary, so please excuse the brevity! Anywho, let's get into the links :-)
- Angela Caicedo will be presenting 'some cool JavaFX stuff' this week at the Silicon Valley JavaFX Users Group. If you're in the area you should definitely consider attending. If you are not, they do a live stream that you can join in on (and chat with others who are also on the stream). I'll try to be on there...
- Tom Schindl has announced the release of e(fx)clipse 0.8.0.
- Johan Vos has announced the open source availability of the RedFX library, which is a JavaFX remote asynchronous communication, messaging and synchronization project.
- Hendrik Ebbers has blogged about his BindableTransition class and invokeAndWait method that he has made available to developers.
- Gerrit Grunwald has blogged about his work in creating a JavaFX-based heatmap visualisation.
- Ed Thompson has another 'JavaFX from the trenches' post, this week about singleton controllers.
- The Panemu blog (the developers of TiwulFX, which just had a beta 2 release announced), have posted about creating a custom menu separator in JavaFX.
- Steven Schwenke has blogged about separation and lifecycles in JavaFX.
- Pedro Duque Vieira continues to improve JMetro by adding support for ScrollBars and ScrollPanes this week.
- Alistair Rutherford has compared JavaFX and Pivot, and then posted about building a JavaFX application for a command-line tool he has written in the past.
- Leon Atherton has announced that IDR Solutions have included support for PDF to FXML conversion.
- Robert Ladstätter has written about how to compile OpenJFX on Mac OS X.
- Jan Köhnlein has written how JavaFX loves Xtend.
JavaFX and Raspberry Pi
- Mark Heckler has blogged about creating a portable Java/JavaFX rig using Raspberry Pi.
- Erkki Nokso-Koivisto has a post about a game he has written to run on a Raspberry Pi.
- Tim Yates has a post about getting GroovyFX to work on his Raspberry Pi.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, January 7”