Java desktop links of the week, December 23

I'm on holiday this week (and for most of January), so I'm keeping today's post brief and to the point. Also, next week my first son is due, so whether there is a post anytime next week is up in the air. I hope you'll understand! :-) Anyway, enjoy! :-)


  • The JavaFX Prague Team blog has a JavaFX on Android follow-up post, summarising the current state of the art.
  • Tomas Mikula continues to work on his CodeAreaFX UI control, which is a "text area for JavaFX that supports assigning style classes for ranges of text. It is intended as a base for code editors with syntax highlighting."
  • There seems to be a lot of interest recently in adding a date axis to the JavaFX chart API. This week Gerrit Grunwald has blogged about a DateAxis API he has developed that makes use of JSR 310 (new date and time APIs). It would be great to see the community pull together some improved / additional APIs for the charting component of JavaFX and to contribute these back to JavaFX *hint hint* ;-)
  • Speaking of JSR 310, Florian Brunner has upgraded his Drombler Commons API to use the new Java 8 Date and Time APIs.
  • Pedro Duque Vieira has two posts this week. Firstly has has posted about his Metro-styled PasswordField for JavaFX. Secondly, he has a post detailing some of the changes in the JavaFX controls API coming up in JavaFX 8.0.
  • Mark Stephens has a post introducing a PDF viewer for JavaFX written solely using JavaFX technologies.
  • Christian Schudt has recreated Tetris in JavaFX, and has posted the code online for your learning pleasure.
  • Andy Till has made available code for his 'Cavity Search' project. As summarised by Andy, "Cavity Search is a UI search library for any JavaFX UI. Given a node instance, Cavity Search will go through the nodes hierarchy, finding all text. When it finds a text match it will create a highlight node that can be added to your scene."

Catch you all (possibly) next week! :-)

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