I'm on holiday this week (and for most of January), so I'm keeping today's post brief and to the point. Also, next week my first son is due, so whether there is a post anytime next week is up in the air. I hope you'll understand! :-) Anyway, enjoy! :-)
- The JavaFX Prague Team blog has a JavaFX on Android follow-up post, summarising the current state of the art.
- Tomas Mikula continues to work on his CodeAreaFX UI control, which is a "text area for JavaFX that supports assigning style classes for ranges of text. It is intended as a base for code editors with syntax highlighting."
- There seems to be a lot of interest recently in adding a date axis to the JavaFX chart API. This week Gerrit Grunwald has blogged about a DateAxis API he has developed that makes use of JSR 310 (new date and time APIs). It would be great to see the community pull together some improved / additional APIs for the charting component of JavaFX and to contribute these back to JavaFX *hint hint* ;-)
- Speaking of JSR 310, Florian Brunner has upgraded his Drombler Commons API to use the new Java 8 Date and Time APIs.
- Pedro Duque Vieira has two posts this week. Firstly has has posted about his Metro-styled PasswordField for JavaFX. Secondly, he has a post detailing some of the changes in the JavaFX controls API coming up in JavaFX 8.0.
- Mark Stephens has a post introducing a PDF viewer for JavaFX written solely using JavaFX technologies.
- Christian Schudt has recreated Tetris in JavaFX, and has posted the code online for your learning pleasure.
- Andy Till has made available code for his 'Cavity Search' project. As summarised by Andy, "Cavity Search is a UI search library for any JavaFX UI. Given a node instance, Cavity Search will go through the nodes hierarchy, finding all text. When it finds a text match it will create a highlight node that can be added to your scene."
Catch you all (possibly) next week! :-)
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, December 23”