Hey everyone - welcome to yet another week of links! Enjoy :-)
- Daniel Zwolenski has been working hard on improved Maven tooling for JavaFX. You can check out his JavaFX Maven plugin source code over at Github, and he has also blogged about how to use it on his website.
- Speaking of Maven, thanks to a huge amount of help from Hendrik Ebbers we now have released DataFX 1.0 on Maven! If you're interested, check out the Maven instructions over at the DataFX website. The DataFX 1.0 release is the first release where a lot of the cell factories have been removed (due to being duplicated in JavaFX 2.2), but to make up for that Johan Vos has done a huge amount of work on the data sources. If you don't use Maven you can also download DataFX 1.0 from the DataFX website.
- Speaking of Hendrik, he has continued to develop his excellent GridView JavaFX control. This week he has added in support for pagination using the Pagination control that shipped in JavaFX 2.2.
- Tom Schindl has a code snippet to animate the slices of the JavaFX pie chart.
- Gerrit Grunwald continues his exploration of the embedded features of Java and JavaFX. He has put up a very detailed blog post about his current research using a Raspberry Pi and a BeagleBoard, and a video showing his home setup.
- Jerome Cambon has blogged about the new CSS analyser built into the Scene Builder 1.1 release (which is currently in developer preview).
- Speaking of Scene Builder, Mark Heckler has contributed an article to OTN on "How to Get Started (FAST!) with JavaFX 2 and Scene Builder".
- Over at Dr Dobbs, Eric Bruno has posted part one of his JavaFX text editor project.
- Leon Atherton has a post detailing how to listen to window resize events in JavaFX.
That's all for this week. Catch you again next week folks, and keep up the amazing work! :-)
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