Sorry for the delayed post this week, I've been a little bogged down in other work recently. But anywho, here we go for another week - enjoy! :-)
- Richard Bair was busy this week, putting up three blog posts over at FX Experience. The first post talks about his investigation into restricting input on a TextField control. This then leads on to a MoneyField control that he has made available, and finally a blog post about how he slightly simplified the MoneyField by adding more DefaultProperty annotations to UI control properties.
- Phil Race has blogged about the LCD text support in JavaFX 2.1.
- Michael Heinrichs has blogged about creating read-only properties in JavaFX.
- Thom Schindl announced the release of e(fx)clipse 0.0.12.
- Daniel Zwolenski has published an article on OTN titled "Building Java EE Applications in JavaFX 2.0".
- Adam Bien has blogged about setting the JavaFX 2.0 runtime at startup (and solving "Unable to read ../rt/" problem).
- Jim Weaver put up a number of quotes from developers with their reactions to the recent release of the developer preview of JavaFX 2.1 for Linux.
- For those in the St Louis area, Weiqi Gao is giving another JavaFX 2.0 talk covering the core concepts.
- Speaking of Weiqi, he has also blogged about how to get started running JavaFX 2.1 on a 64-bit Ubuntu install.
- Mark Anro Silva has created a 3D neon globe which can be started via webstart (although I can't see the source code).
- Dustin Marx has blogged about creating a JavaFX application that can solve quadratic equations.
- William Antonio has blogged about a JavaFX application that he has created that consumes the GateIn navigation REST API.
- Altu? Uzunali has created a waterfall display (aka a spectrogram).
- SwingX 1.6.3 was released this week.
That's all for another week. Catch you again in a weeks time.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, February 7”