Welcome to yet another week of Java desktop links!
- Tom Schindl has released e(fx)clipse 0.0.5, which includes bug fixes related to packaging, as well as better support for JavaFX 2.0 beta b42.
- Gerrit Grunwald has released SteelSeries 3.9.6. As always, this release comes with a huge number of bug fixes, code cleanups, and additional features.
- Ivan Porty has posted a blog post about how to create a simple JTable summary companion.
- The JFormDesigner / FormDev blog has a post about how to create a JSplitPane with a zero-sized divider.
- Jyloo Software have a blog post detailing how to set a custom scalable font size.
- Alexander Potochkin continues his series of posts on 'Swing in a better world' with a post on compound components.
That's all for this week - catch you next week... :-)
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