Java desktop links of the week, November 28th

A heap of interesting links this week, so I'm going to skip the introduction and get right into it. Enjoy! :-)



  • Gerrit Grunwald has announced the release of SteelSeries 3.9.9, the last release for Swing for the coming months, as he has announced he is starting a port of SteelSeries to JavaFX (which I am personally very pleased about!).
  • Dave Gilbert has announced the release of JFreeChart 1.0.14. Follow that link for the changelog, but in general he says that this release contains support for multiple and logarithmic axes with PolarPlot, optional drop-shadows in plot rendering, fitting polynomial functions to a data series, some performance improvements in the TimeSeriesCollection class, mouse wheel rotation of pie charts, improved Maven support and numerous bug fixes.
  • JIDE Software has put out a new release of their software, taking the version numbers up to 3.3.0. One of the new features in the ExpandedTip API.


  • Geertjan Wielenga has a blog post titled 'What is Happening vs. What is Interesting'. The premise of his post being that conferences focus on the latest / shiniest technologies like HTML 5 because that is what techies are blogging and talking about. The places desktop Java is being used in are hidden behind the corporate firewall, which is deemed boring. From my own experience, I have seen this too - once you get behind many corporate firewalls, the amount of technology based around 'boring' technologies is massive, and of course, much like Geertjan, I find this kind of stuff far from boring :-) Of course, everyone is entitled to follow their own technology directions, but in this instance, Geertjan is arguing that peoples perception is far, far removed from reality when it comes to the amount of deployment of desktop Java software in enterprises. I applaud Geertjan for his blog post - he was brave to write it, and I think the reality of what he spoke about often gets forgotten as some kind of inconvenient truth.

That's all folks. Keep up all the great work and I'll be back in a weeks time to cover everything that happens this coming week! :-)

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