A quiet week this week in the world of the Java desktop. However, with the first EA builds of JavaFX 2.0 coming out, I have seen a lot of very interesting projects being started. I've also heard from a lot of people how they find the APIs to be very good, so I'm pleased (although I'm always on the lookout for feedback) :-)
- Thanks to everyone that let me know that Jyloo Software announced the release of Synthetica V2.12 and SyntheticaAddons V1.4.
- Adam Bien had a very popular blog post about JavaFX 2.0, showing off how you build a very simple Hello World application using the early JavaFX 2.0 API. Also interesting is the considerable discussion that took place in the comments section.
- Stephen Chin was interviewed by OTN, where he discusses JavaOne, JavaFX, Visage and other topics.
Catch you all in a weeks time.
Thoughts on “Java desktop links of the week, February 21”