Java desktop links of the week, October 11

Howdy. Todays post should really be titled 'Java desktop links of the past three weeks', but I'm sure you're aware that I was overseas and unfortunately too busy to do a proper post. Regardless, during that time I was still collecting links as best I could, and have posted them below. Due to the sheer number of links, I have only included the links of most relevance. Apologies if your link wasn't included (although I may have also genuinely missed it). As always, if you want a link included, it's best to flick me an email and I'll include it in the next weeks post if it's suitable. Right, let's get on with the links!


  • Jan Haderka announced that SwingX 1.6.2 was made available at JavaOne.
  • Karl Schaefer has a post talking about a new component that is being incubated over at SwingX. It's called the JXScrollMap, and basically offers an overview of the entire contents of a scrollpane. Try out the webstart demo to see what I mean.
  • Mathieu Bastian has blogged about Gephi, which is an open source graph visualisation application built with NetBeans and JOGL.
  • Jyloo Software have continued their series on the TableCellRenderer, with more advanced cell renderer examples.
  • Gerrit Grunwald did a tonne of blog posts about his Steel series component set (of guages, etc), and his FXG converter tool.
  • A (commercial) 'rater' component has been released. This component lets users rate something by selecting between zero and five stars.

JavaFX 2.0

The big news at JavaOne for us was obviously the announcement of JavaFX 2.0. I've got a tonne of links below, and it's well worth reading the comment sections of most blog posts for further discussion and clarification.

JavaFX 1.x


Well, there's a tonne of links in there - hopefully you found something interesting or useful! Now that I've spent the last two hours reading and writing these links, it's time to get to work :-) Catch you all in a weeks time, where things will return to normal.

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