Well, what an interesting week we had in the JavaFX world. It started off with Kirill Grouchnikov posting his thoughts that JavaFX is a train wreck. This created a number of threads around the web discussing this. At the same time Stephen Chin posted his petition to open source JavaFX. So much controversy, so many (sometimes anonymous) comments - what a week! For what it's worth, I'm just reporting the news here, not endorsing or disagreeing with any of it :-)
- Kirill Grouchnikov has blogged about dynamic resizing of ribbon components in Flamingo 5.0. He also showed off the latest Mariner skin, which is included as part of Substance 6.1. Finally, he showed off the release information documentation for Flamingo 5.0.
- Karl Schaefer has blogged about PromptSupport, which is a new feature in SwingX 1.6.1. PromptSupport relates to showing prompt text in JTextFields to inform the user of what should be typed in.
- The PgsLookAndFeel is 1.1 Update 1 was released on 18th July. It fixes all known bugs.
- As mentioned, this week Kirill Grouchnikov outlined his thinking that JavaFX is a train wreck. Quite quickly the comments on his blog became incredibly side-tracked, so he turned off comments. Because of the nature of the topic, the discussion spilled over into a number of other blogs, and for the most part was mostly negative.
- Stephen Chin has posted a petition to open source JavaFX. Further discussion is available here and here.
- The next Silicon Valley JavaFX Users Group topic has been announced: it'll be Stephen Chin and Keith Combs doing a live lab session where they will demonstrate the concepts behind implementing JavaFX Controls. It's coming up August 11, so a few weeks away yet.
- Jim Weaver has posted a tutorial on the Sun Developer Network titled "Stylin' with JavaFX".
- Dean Iverson has posted some comments about his previous blog posts to fix up mistakes and misunderstandings on his part.
- Max Katz has done a bunch of blogs recently, titled 'Binding to server-side context variable from JavaFX', 'Using Expression Language (EL) in JavaFX to communicate with server' and 'Seam conversations from JavaFX'.
- Alex Ruiz has announced FEST JavaFX Compiler Maven Plug-in 1.0b2. This release adds new configuration options.
- Sergey Malenkov has posted about 'localized reaction time'. It shows how you can localise your application in JavaFX.
- William Antônio Siqueira has created LyricSearchFX, which you can run over at his new blog.
- I posted two brief screencasts to show off a TabView control I'm building in my spare time.
- Andres Almiray has posted another Griffon 0.9 sneak peek, this time looking at runtime enhancements.
Whew! What a week. Catch you all again in a week.
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