A good week of Java desktop links this week - some exciting releases, and interesting blog posts exploring / announcing interesting work. Let's get right into it!
- Karl Schaefer has announced the release of SwingX 1.6.1, which looks to have a number of nice new features and bug fixes.
- Gerrit Grunwald has posted a nice JTextField-based component that will automatically convert the users input based on the typed-in unit to a preferred base unit.
- Richard Bair posted a text alignment trick that is useful when trying to lay out Label text.
- I posted a tip over at fxexperience.com regarding sequence performance, and how you can cut down on needless churn.
- Stephen Chin has announced the release of JFXtras 0.7 release candidate 2.
- Max Katz is presenting at the next Silicon Valley JavaFX Users Group meetup, which is this coming week on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 7PM PST.
- Speaking of Max, he has posted two blog posts titled 'Calling Seam component from JavaFX' and 'Invoking Hibernate Validator from JavaFX'.
- It looks like IntelliJ IDEA is starting to support JavaFX even more, with the 0.2 release of their JavaFX plugin for IntelliJ. Watch the Getting Started video if you're interested.
- Nicholas has blogged about displaying a JavaFX applet in a Grails application.
- Srikanth Shenoy has posted the second part of his multi-part series on 'Effective JavaFX Architecture', this time covering Test Driven Development with JavaFX.
- Andres Almiray has been teasing the Griffon 0.9 release, and then released a Griffon 0.9 snapshot. More details here.
That's us for another week. Thanks to everyone for your hard work in the community, and for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us :-) Catch you all again in a weeks time!
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