Java desktop links of the week, February 1

Well, the Oracle acquisition of Sun is now done, and I'd like to say hello to my new corporate overlord :-) The good news in the last week is that all the concern around what Oracle was going to do with the various Sun projects has been relatively well clarified. From the sounds of things, investment in Java, JavaFX and NetBeans is going to continue or even grow. Perhaps the biggest (initial) loser is Project Kenai, the Sun cloud-based project hosting project. I know a lot of people have created kenai projects, and it is unfortunate to see this close down.

There is a tonne of news this week, so lets get into it and I hope you enjoy it!




  • Andres Almiray has announced the release of Griffon 0.3 Beta 2. Griffon 0.3 Beta 2 is mostly a collection of fixes for issues found in the previous beta.

Whew! I did warn you there was a lot of really high-quality news this week. Well, that's it for another week. Keep up the hard work (but remember to find time to relax too!), and I'll see you all again next week.

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