A very quiet week in the land of the Java Desktop, although thanks to the people who emailed me their links. I put this partly down to the JavaOne effect - everyone is off working on their talks and not blogging as much - the same thing happened last year. As always, feel free to email me with any comments or suggestions you may have.
On with the news!
- Wolfgang Zitzelsberger has part 3 of the series of posts on TableCellRenderers. This post focuses on delegate renderer examples.
- Rhiannon Liebowitz let me know that a new Swing component has been released for sale. It is a skinnable Calendar/Date Picker control.
- With the release of his new book, Vladimir Vivien has also posted a JavaFX Cookbook website with a number of useful tutorials.
- Mayboroda Dmitiry has two posts this week. His first post discusses improvements to my multiple selection hack for ListView. His second post discusses creating pseudo classes in JavaFX, and builds a TabPanel control to demo it (with source code). I'm not sure what it is with TabPanel / TabView controls - we all seem to be building them :-)
- William Antônio showed off his HttpRequester application which is essentially a GUI frontend for the JavaFX HttpRequest class.
That's it for another week. Thanks for coming along and I hope something in the links list was helpful to you. Catch you all in a weeks time :-)
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