Hello all, and welcome to another weeks worth of interesting and (hopefully) useful links! This week is a bit more interesting in the sense that we've got links for Swing, JavaFX and Griffon. I hope that something takes your interest, and as always feel free to drop me an email or a tweet to let me know of something you think others may be interested in.
- Kirill Grouchnikov, unsurprisingly, has been busy this week improving his Flamingo project to support Right-To-Left text. In another post, he discusses changes to the Flamingo API for the JRibbon application menu button.
- Damien Ielsch has blogged about something I was developing just recently - having 'ghost' images beneath the mouse as you undertake a (proper) drag and drop operation (i.e. data transfer, not GUI manipulation). I'd love to hear if anyone has any improvements on this approach, and indeed if it works on their operating system (particularly on Linux).
- Rémy Rakic has blogged about his new project named Shizzle, which is a CSS selector engine for Java / Swing.
- Jyloo Software have carried on with their series of blogs showing how you can use their Synthetica look and feel. This week covers their logo renderer and specifying minimum window sizes.
- The JavaFX geeks and newbies forum passed a milestone this week, seeing member number 200 sign up. This is most probably the best community-driven site related to JavaFX around right now. Join up and join in on the discussions!
- Stuart Marks has posted a very useful blog post about function return type inference in JavaFX. The basic premise: always declare the return type of all functions, and indeed the type of all variables. It just makes life easier and more predictable.
- Simon Morris has just released a LGPL project he calls Arkles, which is a "new library that takes advantage of JavaFX Script's declarative syntax, combining it with a subset of the XPath notation, to create a more natural and manageable way to process XML documents in your JavaFX applications".
- Stephen Chin has announced that the Silicon Valley JavaFX Users Group presentations are now able to be watched in Ubivent, a JavaFX application designed specifically for this purpose, and being used by paying customers. Also, don't forget to sign up for Stuart Marks' talk coming up on the 14th. I'll remind you again in a week.
- Mark Anro Silva has posted a small JavaFX code sample, and video, of an application where he has animated a person walking around the stage.
- Nick Zhu has blogged about a Grails-like validation plugin for Griffon called GValidation.
Righty - that's it for another week. Stay classy, and I'll see you all again in a weeks time! :-)
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