Java desktop links of the week, August 31

Another week, another Java desktop links post. This week there is a fair bit of interesting news, but before I begin, I'd love to ask if people who read this can check if their name is obvious in their blog posts. It is tough having to search for them, and as shown a few times in this post, I've only got your first name, pseudonym, or domain name. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have your name printed than any of these.

Now - Let's get into the news :)





  • Andres Almiray posts to say that the Transitions plugin for Griffon has been released. This plugin allows for animated transitions to be easily included in your own applications. Just remember that animations work best when they are subtle and relevant (i.e. don't go crazy) :-)

That's it for another week. Have a great week and I'll catch you again in a week.

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