Tomorrow and Friday Paul and entourage from Microsoft will be at Massey. Do come along. It's important to me: All Microsoft posters were ripped down almost instantaneously after being put up, and I think Microsoft would rather present to people rather than an empty room.

I can only summise that people really like Microsoft (or me), and want a Microsoft poster (or one with my handwriting on it) to put up at their own place. Thats understandable, but imagine how much better getting free Microsoft stuff would be, and learning about the stuff Microsoft is doing this year for us (or alternatively....meeting me.....bah...who am I kidding

So, those places and times again:
Thursday, 16th March, AH2 from 11am to 12 noon.
Friday, 17th March, AH3 from 1pm to 2pm
See you there,
Thoughts on “Microsoft vists begin”