

2024-09-02: Custom PCBs and 3D Printed Cases, with Kicad, TurboCase, and OpenSCAD
2024-03-30: Goals for 2024 - Update 1
2024-02-02: Building a simple HTTP server
2024-01-07: Goals for 2024


2022-12-11: Five years at Microsoft


2021-12-06: A small site upgrade


2020-06-07: Website Overhaul


2019-03-31: Java desktop links of the week, April 1
2019-03-10: Java desktop links of the week, March 11
2019-02-24: Java desktop links of the week, February 25
2019-02-17: Java desktop links of the week, February 18


2018-12-17: Java desktop links of the week, December 17
2018-12-02: Java desktop links of the week, December 3
2018-11-25: Java desktop links of the week, November 26
2018-11-21: A slight refactoring
2018-11-18: Java desktop links of the week, November 19
2018-11-04: Java desktop links of the week, November 5
2018-10-28: Java desktop links of the week, October 29
2018-10-14: Java desktop links of the week, October 15
2018-10-07: Java desktop links of the week, October 8
2018-10-03: Natively compiling Micronaut microservices using GraalVM for insanely faster startups
2018-09-30: Java desktop links of the week, October 1
2018-09-23: Java desktop links of the week, September 24
2018-09-16: Java desktop links of the week, September 17
2018-08-26: Java desktop links of the week, August 27
2018-08-12: Java desktop links of the week, August 13
2018-08-05: Java desktop links of the week, August 6
2018-07-29: Java desktop links of the week, July 30
2018-07-22: Java desktop links of the week, July 23
2018-07-17: Triggering Azure Functions with Java when a storage change occurs
2018-07-15: Java desktop links of the week, July 16
2018-07-07: Java desktop links of the week, July 8
2018-07-03: On becoming a Java Champion
2018-06-21: Java API Best Practices slides from Devoxx Poland 2018
2018-06-12: Java API Design Best Practices Slide Deck Now Available
2018-05-28: Java desktop links of the week, May 28
2018-05-20: Java desktop links of the week, May 21
2018-04-22: Java desktop links of the week, April 23
2018-04-15: Java desktop links of the week, April 16
2018-04-09: Java desktop links of the week, April 9
2018-03-27: One guys perspective on JavaFX
2018-03-25: Building a serverless url shortener with Azure Functions and Java, part two
2018-03-25: Environment variables in Azure Functions with Java
2018-03-25: Java desktop links of the week, March 26
2018-03-21: Creating custom routes in Azure Functions
2018-03-19: Building a serverless url shortener with Azure Functions and Java, part one
2018-03-12: Java desktop links of the week, March 12
2018-03-08: Build Spring Boot 2.0 apps with Azure Starters and new VS Code extensions
2018-03-06: Java Engineering at Microsoft: Interview with Reiley Yang
2018-03-04: Java desktop links of the week, March 5
2018-03-01: Azure Cosmos DB async Java SDK now available and open sourced
2018-03-01: Java Engineering at Microsoft: Interview with Rikki Gibson
2018-02-28: Azure for Java developers
2018-02-28: Two Microsoft Java SDK releases in one day
2018-02-26: Building a cloud backup app in Java with Azure, part one
2018-02-25: Java desktop links of the week, February 26
2018-02-20: Java Evangelism at Microsoft: Interview with Yoshio Terada
2018-02-18: Java desktop links of the week, February 19
2018-02-11: Java desktop links of the week, February 12
2018-01-28: Java desktop links of the week, January 29
2018-01-21: Java Desktop links of the week, January 22
2018-01-21: On saying Thanks


2017-12-17: Java desktop links of the week, December 17
2017-12-07: Unboxing Duke
2017-12-03: Java desktop links of the week, December 3
2017-11-27: Hello Microsoft!
2017-11-26: Java desktop links of the week, November 27
2017-11-19: Java desktop links of the week, November 20
2017-11-12: Java desktop links of the week, November 13
2017-11-05: Java desktop links of the week, November 6
2017-10-29: Java desktop links of the week, October 30
2017-10-15: Java desktop links of the week, October 16
2017-10-03: Congratulations ControlsFX
2017-10-02: Farewell Oracle
2017-10-01: Java desktop links of the week, October 2
2017-09-24: Java desktop links of the week, September 25
2017-09-10: Java desktop links of the week, September 11
2017-09-03: Java desktop links of the week, September 4
2017-08-27: Java desktop links of the week, August 28
2017-08-20: Java desktop links of the week, August 21
2017-08-13: Java desktop links of the week, August 14
2017-08-06: Java desktop links of the week, August 7
2017-07-30: Java desktop links of the week, July 31
2017-07-23: Java desktop links of the week, July 24
2017-07-02: Java desktop links of the week, July 3
2017-06-18: Java desktop links of the week, June 19
2017-06-11: Java desktop links of the week, June 12
2017-05-21: Java desktop links of the week, May 22
2017-05-14: Java desktop links of the week, May 15
2017-04-30: Java desktop links of the week, May 1
2017-04-23: Java desktop links of the week, April 24
2017-04-09: Java desktop links of the week, April 10
2017-04-02: Java desktop links of the week, April 3
2017-03-26: Java desktop links of the week, March 27
2017-03-19: Java desktop links of the week, March 20
2017-03-12: Java desktop links of the week, March 13
2017-02-26: Java desktop links of the week, February 27
2017-02-12: Java desktop links of the week, February 13
2017-02-06: Java desktop links of the week, February 7
2017-01-30: Java desktop links of the week, January 30
2017-01-15: Java desktop links of the week, January 16
2017-01-08: Java desktop links of the week, January 9


2016-12-19: Java desktop links of the week, December 19
2016-11-27: Java desktop links of the week, November 28
2016-11-20: Java desktop links of the week, November 21
2016-11-13: Java desktop links of the week, November 14
2016-11-06: Java desktop links of the week, November 7
2016-10-30: Java desktop links of the week, October 31
2016-10-23: Java desktop links of the week, October 24
2016-10-16: Java desktop links of the week, October 17
2016-10-09: Java desktop links of the week, October 10
2016-10-02: Java desktop links of the week, October 3
2016-09-26: Exciting News
2016-09-25: Java desktop links of the week, September 26
2016-09-11: Java desktop links of the week, September 12
2016-09-05: Java desktop links of the week, September 5
2016-08-28: Java desktop links of the week, August 29
2016-08-21: Java desktop links of the week, August 22
2016-08-14: Java desktop links of the week, August 15
2016-08-07: Java desktop links of the week, August 8
2016-07-31: Java desktop links of the week, August 1
2016-07-24: Java desktop links of the week, July 25
2016-07-17: Java desktop links of the week, July 18
2016-07-10: Java desktop links of the week, July 11
2016-07-03: Java desktop links of the week, July 4
2016-06-26: Java desktop links of the week, June 27
2016-06-12: Java desktop links of the week, June 13
2016-06-05: Java desktop links of the week, June 6
2016-05-29: Java desktop links of the week, May 30
2016-05-22: Java desktop links of the week, May 23
2016-05-15: Java desktop links of the week, May 16
2016-05-08: Java desktop links of the week, May 9
2016-05-01: Java desktop links of the week, May 2
2016-04-24: Java desktop links of the week, April 25
2016-04-17: Java desktop links of the week, April 18
2016-04-03: Java desktop links of the week, April 4
2016-03-29: Java desktop links of the week, March 29
2016-03-20: Java desktop links of the week, March 21
2016-03-13: Java desktop links of the week, March 14
2016-03-06: Java desktop links of the week, March 7
2016-02-28: Java desktop links of the week, February 29
2016-02-22: Java desktop links of the week, February 23
2016-02-14: Java desktop links of the week, February 15
2016-02-08: Java desktop links of the week, February 8
2016-01-31: Java desktop links of the week, February 1
2016-01-25: Java desktop links of the week, January 25
2016-01-17: Java desktop links of the week, January 18
2016-01-10: Java desktop links of the week, January 11


2015-12-20: Java desktop links of the week, December 21
2015-12-13: Java desktop links of the week, December 14
2015-12-06: Java desktop links of the week, December 7
2015-11-29: Java desktop links of the week, November 30
2015-11-22: Java desktop links of the week, November 23
2015-11-15: Java desktop links of the week, November 16
2015-11-08: Java desktop links of the week, November 9
2015-10-18: Java desktop links of the week, October 18
2015-10-11: Java desktop links of the week, October 12
2015-10-04: Java desktop links of the week, October 5
2015-09-27: Java desktop links of the week, September 28
2015-09-20: Java desktop links of the week, September 21
2015-09-13: Java desktop links of the week, September 14
2015-09-06: Java desktop links of the week, September 7
2015-08-30: Java desktop links of the week, August 31
2015-08-23: Java desktop links of the week, August 24
2015-08-16: Java desktop links of the week, August 17
2015-08-09: Java desktop links of the week, August 10
2015-08-02: Java desktop links of the week, August 3
2015-06-15: Java desktop links of the week, June 16
2015-06-07: Java desktop links of the week, June 8
2015-06-01: Java desktop links of the week, June 2
2015-05-24: Java desktop links of the week, May 25
2015-05-17: Java desktop links of the week, May 18
2015-05-10: Java desktop links of the week, May 11
2015-05-03: Java desktop links of the week, May 4
2015-04-27: Java desktop links of the week, April 27
2015-04-20: Java desktop links of the week, April 20
2015-04-12: Java desktop links of the week, April 13
2015-03-29: Java desktop links of the week, March 30
2015-03-22: Java desktop links of the week, March 23
2015-03-16: Java desktop links of the week, March 16
2015-03-08: Java desktop links of the week, March 9
2015-03-01: Java desktop links of the week, March 2
2015-02-22: Java desktop links of the week, February 23
2015-02-15: Java desktop links of the week, February 16
2015-02-08: Java desktop links of the week, February 9
2015-02-01: Java desktop links of the week, February 2
2015-01-25: Java desktop links of the week, January 26
2015-01-19: Java desktop links of the week, January 19
2015-01-11: Java desktop links of the week, January 12


2014-12-14: Java desktop links of the week, December 15
2014-12-08: Java desktop links of the week, December 8
2014-11-30: Java desktop links of the week, December 1
2014-11-23: Java desktop links of the week, November 24
2014-11-16: Java desktop links of the week, November 17
2014-11-09: Java desktop links of the week, November 10
2014-11-03: Java desktop links of the week, November 4
2014-10-26: Java desktop links of the week, October 27
2014-10-19: Java desktop links of the week, October 20
2014-10-12: Java desktop links of the (past few) week(s), October 13
2014-09-21: Java desktop links of the week, September 22
2014-09-14: Java desktop links of the week, September 15
2014-09-07: Java desktop links of the week, September 8
2014-08-31: Java desktop links of the week, September 1
2014-08-28: JavaOne Sessions
2014-08-24: Java desktop links of the week, August 25
2014-08-17: Java desktop links of the week, August 18
2014-08-10: Java desktop links of the week, August 11
2014-08-03: Java desktop links of the week, August 4
2014-07-27: Java desktop links of the week, July 28
2014-07-20: Java desktop links of the week, July 21
2014-07-13: Java desktop links of the week, July 13
2014-06-29: Java desktop links of the week, June 30
2014-06-22: Java desktop links of the week, June 23
2014-06-15: Java desktop links of the week, June 16
2014-06-08: Java desktop links of the week, June 9
2014-06-01: Java desktop links of the week, June 2
2014-05-25: Java desktop links of the week, May 26
2014-05-18: Java desktop links of the week, May 19
2014-05-11: Java desktop links of the week, May 12
2014-05-04: Java desktop links of the week, May 5
2014-04-27: Java desktop links of the week, April 28
2014-04-20: Java desktop links of the week, April 21
2014-04-13: Java desktop links of the week, April 14
2014-04-06: Java desktop links of the week, April 6
2014-04-05: Quick Book Review: Mastering JavaFX 8 Controls
2014-03-30: Java desktop links of the week, March 31
2014-03-23: Java desktop links of the week, March 24
2014-03-16: Java desktop links of the week, March 17
2014-03-09: Java desktop links of the week, March 10
2014-03-02: Java desktop links of the week, March 3
2014-02-23: Java desktop links of the week, February 24
2014-02-16: Java desktop links of the week, February 17
2014-02-09: Java desktop links of the week, February 10
2014-02-02: Java desktop links of the week, February 3
2014-01-31: Exploring Home Automation / IoT
2014-01-26: Java desktop links of the week, January 27
2014-01-19: Java desktop links of the week, January 20
2014-01-12: Java desktop links of the week, January 13
2014-01-05: Java desktop links of the week, January 6


2013-12-30: Java desktop links of the week, December 30
2013-12-23: Java desktop links of the week, December 23
2013-12-15: Java desktop links of the week, December 16
2013-12-08: Java desktop links of the week, December 9
2013-12-01: Java desktop links of the week, December 2
2013-11-24: Java desktop links of the week, November 25
2013-11-17: JavaFX links of the week, November 18
2013-11-10: Java desktop links of the week, November 11
2013-11-03: Java desktop links of the week, November 4
2013-10-27: Java desktop links of the week, October
2013-10-20: Java desktop links of the week, October 21
2013-10-13: Java desktop links of the week, October 14
2013-10-06: Java desktop links of the week, October 7
2013-09-29: Java desktop links of the week, September 30
2013-09-22: Java desktop links of the week, September 23
2013-09-18: Scheduled backups for Raspberry Pi to a NAS
2013-09-15: Java desktop links of the week, September 16
2013-09-08: Java desktop links of the week, September 9
2013-09-01: Java desktop links of the week, September 2
2013-08-25: Java desktop links of the week, August 26
2013-08-18: Java desktop links of the week, August 19
2013-08-11: Java desktop links of the week, August 11
2013-08-04: Java desktop links of the week, August 5
2013-07-28: Java desktop links of the week, July 29
2013-07-21: Java desktop links of the week, July 22
2013-07-14: Java desktop links of the week, July 15
2013-07-07: Java desktop links of the week, July 8
2013-07-01: Java desktop links of the week, July 1
2013-06-25: On why I'm not going to JavaOne
2013-06-23: Java desktop links of the week, June 24
2013-06-16: Java desktop links of the week, June 17
2013-06-09: Java desktop links of the week, June 10
2013-06-02: Java desktop links of the week, June 3
2013-05-26: Java desktop links of the week, May 27
2013-05-19: Java desktop links of the week, May 20
2013-05-11: Java desktop links of the week, May 12
2013-05-05: Java desktop links of the week, May 6
2013-04-29: Java desktop links of the week, April 29
2013-04-21: Java desktop links of the week, April 22
2013-04-14: Java desktop links of the week, April 15
2013-04-07: Java desktop links of the week, April 8
2013-03-31: Java desktop links of the week, April 1
2013-03-24: Java desktop links of the week, March 25
2013-03-17: Java desktop links of the week, March 18
2013-03-10: Java desktop links of the week, March 11
2013-03-03: Java desktop links of the week, March 4
2013-02-24: Java desktop links of the week, February 24
2013-02-17: Java desktop links of the week, February 18
2013-02-10: Java desktop links of the week, February 11
2013-02-03: Java desktop links of the week, February 4
2013-01-27: Java desktop links of the week, January 28
2013-01-21: Java desktop links of the week, January 22
2013-01-13: Java desktop links of the week, January 14
2013-01-07: Java desktop links of the week, January 7


2012-12-30: Java desktop links of the week, December 31
2012-12-23: Java desktop links of the week, December 24
2012-12-16: Java desktop links of the week, December 17
2012-12-09: Java desktop links of the week, December 10
2012-12-02: Java desktop links of the week, December 3
2012-11-25: Java desktop links of the week, November 26
2012-11-19: Java desktop links of the week, November 19
2012-11-12: Java desktop links of the week, November 12
2012-11-04: Java desktop links of the week, November 5
2012-10-28: Java desktop links of the week, October 29
2012-10-21: Java desktop links of the week, October 22
2012-10-14: Java desktop links of the week, October 15
2012-10-11: JavaFX 2.0
2012-10-01: Java desktop links of the week, September 30
2012-09-24: Java desktop links of the week, September 24
2012-09-22: Custom JavaFX UI controls at JavaOne
2012-09-16: Java desktop links of the week, September 17
2012-09-10: Java desktop links of the week, September 10
2012-09-02: Java desktop links of the week, September 3
2012-08-26: Java desktop links of the week, August 27
2012-08-19: Java desktop links of the week, August 20
2012-08-12: Java desktop links of the week, August 13
2012-08-05: Java desktop links of the week, August 6
2012-07-29: Java desktop links of the week, July 30
2012-07-22: Java desktop links of the week, July 23
2012-07-15: Java desktop links of the week, July 16
2012-07-08: Java desktop links of the week, July 9
2012-07-02: Java desktop links of the week, July 2
2012-06-24: Java desktop links of the week, June 25
2012-06-18: Java desktop links of the week, June 18
2012-06-11: Java desktop links of the week, June 11
2012-06-04: Java desktop links of the week, June 4
2012-05-28: Java desktop links of the week, May 29
2012-05-20: Java desktop links of the week, May 21
2012-05-13: Java desktop links of the week, May 14
2012-04-29: Java desktop links of the week, April 29
2012-04-22: Java desktop links of the week, April 23
2012-04-16: Java desktop links of the week, April 16
2012-04-08: Java desktop links of the week, April 9
2012-04-03: Java desktop links of the week, April 3
2012-03-25: Java desktop links of the week, March 26
2012-03-18: Java desktop links of the week, March 19
2012-03-11: Java desktop links of the week, March 12
2012-03-04: Java desktop links of the week, March 5
2012-03-02: UI Oddities #3 – Google Calendar
2012-02-26: Java desktop links of the week, February 27
2012-02-21: Java desktop links of the week, February 21
2012-02-13: Java desktop links of the week, February 13
2012-02-07: Java desktop links of the week, February 7
2012-01-30: Java desktop links of the week, January 30
2012-01-24: Java desktop links of the week, January 24
2012-01-15: Java desktop links of the week, January 16
2012-01-08: Java desktop links of the week, January 9
2012-01-02: Java desktop links of the week, January 2


2011-12-28: Java desktop links of the week, December 28
2011-12-18: Java desktop links of the week, December 19
2011-12-11: Java desktop links of the week, December 12
2011-12-04: Java desktop links of the week, December 4
2011-11-27: Java desktop links of the week, November 28th
2011-11-20: Java desktop links of the week, November 21
2011-11-13: Java desktop links of the week, November 14
2011-11-06: Java desktop links of the week, November 7
2011-10-30: Java desktop links of the week, October 31
2011-10-25: Java 7, Cisco AnyConnect, and SocketExceptions
2011-10-24: Java desktop links of the week, October 24
2011-09-30: Java desktop links (for the past few days), September 30
2011-09-25: Java desktop links of the week, September 26
2011-09-18: Java desktop links of the week, September 19
2011-09-11: Java desktop links of the week, September 12
2011-09-04: Java desktop links of the week, September 5
2011-08-31: Java desktop links of the week, August 31
2011-08-21: Java desktop links of the week, August 22
2011-08-14: Java desktop links of the week, August 15
2011-08-07: Java desktop links of the week, August 8
2011-07-31: Java desktop links of the week, August 1
2011-07-24: Java desktop links of the week, July 25
2011-07-17: Java desktop links of the week, July 18
2011-07-10: Java desktop links of the week, July 11
2011-07-03: Java desktop links of the week, July 4
2011-06-27: Java desktop links of the week, June 27
2011-06-20: Java desktop links of the week, June 20
2011-06-13: Java desktop links of the week, June 13
2011-06-06: Java desktop links of the week, June 6
2011-05-29: Java desktop links of the week, May 30
2011-05-22: Java desktop links of the week, May 23
2011-05-15: Java desktop links of the week, May 15
2011-05-08: Java desktop links of the week, May 9
2011-05-01: Java desktop links of the week, May 2
2011-04-25: Guest lecture on 'Software Engineering Insights'
2011-04-17: Java desktop links of the week, April 18
2011-04-10: Java desktop links of the week, April 11
2011-04-03: Java desktop links of the week, April 4
2011-03-27: Java desktop links of the week, March 28
2011-03-21: Java desktop links of the week, March 21
2011-03-13: Java desktop links of the week, March 14
2011-03-06: Java desktop links of the week, March 7
2011-03-01: A simple JavaFX 2.0 TableView example
2011-02-27: Java desktop links of the week, February 28
2011-02-20: Java desktop links of the week, February 21
2011-02-13: Java desktop links of the week, February 13
2011-01-16: Java desktop links of the week, January 17
2011-01-03: Java desktop links of the week, January 3


2010-12-26: Java desktop links of the week, December 27
2010-12-19: Java desktop links of the week, December 20
2010-12-12: Java desktop links of the week, December 13
2010-12-05: Java desktop links of the week, December 6
2010-11-28: Java desktop links of the week, November 29
2010-11-21: Java desktop links of the week, November 22
2010-11-14: Java desktop links of the week, November 15
2010-11-07: Fixing frequent crashes in Minecraft
2010-11-07: Java desktop links of the week, November 8
2010-10-31: Java desktop links of the week, November 1
2010-10-25: Java desktop links of the week, October 26
2010-10-17: Java desktop links of the week, October 18
2010-10-10: Java desktop links of the week, October 11
2010-09-21: JavaFX Your Way: Building JavaFX Applications with Alternative Languages
2010-09-18: Java desktop links of the week, September 18
2010-09-12: Java desktop links of the week, September 13
2010-09-05: Java desktop links of the week, September 6
2010-09-03: UI Oddities #3 - Skype
2010-08-29: Java Desktop links of the week, August 30
2010-08-22: Java desktop links of the week, August 23
2010-08-15: Java desktop links of the week, August 16
2010-08-08: Java desktop links of the week, August 9
2010-08-05: UI Oddities #2 - NetBeans
2010-08-01: Java desktop links of the week, August 2
2010-07-25: Java desktop links of the week, July 26
2010-07-18: Java desktop links of the week, July 19
2010-07-11: Java desktop links of the week, July 12
2010-07-04: Java desktop links of the week, July 5
2010-06-27: Java desktop links of the week, June 28
2010-06-20: Java desktop links of the week, June 21
2010-06-16: UI Oddities #1 - Skype
2010-06-13: Java desktop links of the week, June 14
2010-06-06: Java desktop links of the week, June 7
2010-05-30: Java desktop links of the week, May 31
2010-05-23: Java desktop links of the week, May 24
2010-05-16: Java desktop links of the week, May 17
2010-05-16: JavaFX Presentation Slides
2010-05-09: Java desktop links of the week, May 10
2010-05-02: Java Desktop links of the week, May 2
2010-04-26: JavaFX on iPad!
2010-04-25: Java desktop links of the week, April 25
2010-04-18: Java desktop links of the week, April 19
2010-04-12: Firefox add-ons you should consider
2010-04-11: Java desktop links of the week, April 12
2010-04-04: Java desktop links of the week, April 5
2010-03-28: Java desktop links of the week, March 29
2010-03-21: Java desktop links of the week, March 22
2010-03-14: Java desktop links of the week, March 15
2010-03-07: Java desktop links of the week, March 8
2010-02-28: Java desktop links of the week, March 1
2010-02-21: Java desktop links of the week, February 21
2010-02-14: Java desktop links of the week, February 15
2010-02-07: Java desktop links of the week, February 8
2010-01-31: Java desktop links of the week, February 1
2010-01-24: Java desktop links of the week, January 25
2010-01-22: Want a job at Sun working on JavaFX?
2010-01-17: Inverting the colour of images
2010-01-17: Java Desktop links of the week, January 18
2010-01-10: Java desktop links of the week, January 11
2010-01-09: JavaFX 1.2.1 Plugin for Eclipse Released!
2010-01-03: Java desktop links of the week, January 4


2009-12-30: Dealing with iTunes freezing up in Windows
2009-12-27: Java desktop links of the week, December 28
2009-12-20: Java desktop links of the week, December 21
2009-12-13: Java desktop links of the week, December 14
2009-12-12: JavaFX at the Auckland Java Users Group
2009-12-06: Java desktop links of the week, December 7
2009-12-01: Swing Application Framework and JDK 7
2009-11-29: Java desktop links of the week, November 30
2009-11-22: Java desktop links of the week, November 23
2009-11-15: Java desktop links of the week, November 16
2009-11-08: Java desktop links of the week, November 9
2009-11-01: Java desktop links of the week, November 2
2009-10-25: Java desktop links of the week, October 26
2009-10-18: Java desktop links of the week, October 19
2009-10-11: Java desktop links of the week, October 11
2009-10-04: Java desktop links of the week, October 5
2009-09-27: Java desktop links of the week, September 28
2009-09-20: Java desktop links of the week, September 21
2009-09-13: Java desktop links of the week, September 14
2009-09-06: Java desktop links of the week, September 7
2009-08-30: Java desktop links of the week, August 31
2009-08-23: Java desktop links of the week, August 24
2009-08-16: Java desktop links of the week, August 17
2009-08-09: Java desktop links of the week, August 10
2009-08-09: JavaFX Menubar Released
2009-08-02: Java desktop links of the week, August 3
2009-07-26: Java desktop links of the week, July 27
2009-07-26: JavaFX Menubar control
2009-07-20: JavaFX Particle-o-Rama Thoughts
2009-07-19: Java desktop links of the week, July 19
2009-07-12: Java desktop links of the week, July 13
2009-07-05: Java desktop links of the week, July 6
2009-07-03: JavaFX: Building custom controls
2009-07-02: JavaFX Node Bounds: I don't get it
2009-06-28: Java desktop links of the week, June 29
2009-06-28: JavaFX: Bound functions
2009-06-26: JavaFX: Let's clarify public-read and public-init
2009-06-26: JavaFX: Thick TextBox Borders
2009-06-21: Java desktop links of the week, June 22
2009-06-20: Mini 'Pro JavaFX Platform' Book Review
2009-06-19: JavaFX Magic 8 Ball
2009-06-14: Java desktop links of the week, June 15
2009-06-09: JavaFX, backwards compatibility, and the path forward
2009-06-09: The SAF is dead, long live the AF?
2009-05-31: Java Desktop links of the week, May 31
2009-05-24: Java desktop links of the week, May 25
2009-05-19: I'm going to JavaOne
2009-05-17: Java desktop links of the week, May 18
2009-05-10: Java desktop links of the week, May 10
2009-05-05: A SwingWorker that doesn't swallow exceptions
2009-05-03: Java desktop links of the week, May 4
2009-04-26: Java desktop links of the week, April 27
2009-04-21: Java desktop links of the week, April 22
2009-04-12: Java desktop links of the week, April 13
2009-04-07: Using Google Collections with ProGuard
2009-04-05: Java desktop links of the week, April 6
2009-03-30: Java desktop links of the week, March 30
2009-03-22: Java desktops links of the week, March 23
2009-03-15: Java Desktop links of the week, March 16th
2009-03-08: Java Desktop links of the week, March 9th
2009-03-01: Java desktop links of the week, March 2nd
2009-02-25: SCJP 6 Attained
2009-02-25: SCJP 6 rough study notes
2009-02-22: Java desktop links of the week, February 23rd
2009-02-19: Control iTunes using keyboard media keys
2009-02-15: Java Desktop links of the week, February 16th
2009-02-09: Swing 2.0 Discussion Mailing List
2009-02-08: Swing links of the week, February 9th
2009-02-06: Is the Grass Greener? Time to test JavaFX...
2009-02-06: Swing 2.0 - Where to from here?
2009-02-04: Sun responds to Swing 2.0 discussion
2009-02-01: Swing links of the week, February 2nd
2009-01-26: Java Swing 2.0
2009-01-25: Swing links of the week, January 26th
2009-01-18: Swing links of the week, January 18th
2009-01-12: Swing links of the week, January 13th


2008-12-11: Busy Busy...
2008-09-11: Basic XML Unmarshalling in Java
2008-07-13: Whiteout
2008-07-10: Update
2008-06-21: Just don't do it
2008-06-15: Advanced Java
2008-06-06: Dell, and how not to create online forms for addresses
2008-06-05: Prefuse 1.5 Source Drop
2008-05-26: Java Exception Gotcha
2008-05-22: Java Performance Myths
2008-05-21: Java Performance: Analysing Memory Usage
2008-05-18: How to win $1000
2008-05-01: How Not To Obfuscate Email Addresses - SourceForge Edition
2008-05-01: Plugins research summary
2008-04-25: Books I need to buy
2008-04-22: John Key: $1.5b for fast NZ Internet
2008-04-16: Mystery of Accessibility in Local Inner Classes
2008-04-15: Software Architecture
2008-04-10: Welcome to the Internet
2008-04-06: Easily upgrade to Wordpress 2.5
2008-03-26: Vista SP1 breaking your hibernation?
2008-03-07: Ten UI Lessons from the Real World
2008-03-05: Inactivity
2008-02-15: Politically Convenient Timing
2008-02-06: Why do Fonts suck in Java?
2008-02-03: Arrested Development Movie?
2008-01-30: Dual Monitors with Vista
2008-01-30: Subversion Merging with Eclipse
2008-01-25: Java FTW


2007-12-10: More Surgery
2007-11-24: Thesis Complete
2007-11-16: New Zealand at CeBIT 2008
2007-11-16: Recaptcha
2007-11-13: Java (UI) Development
2007-11-07: Enterprise Data
2007-11-02: Why programming is fun
2007-10-29: Portal rocks!
2007-10-27: Calendaring and I
2007-10-23: Me and CeBIT
2007-10-09: Lyx
2007-10-07: Kiwibank has the right attitude
2007-10-07: What is the Semantic Web (or, Turning Data Into Information)
2007-10-04: I am a software pirate
2007-10-01: Masters Thesis and RSS
2007-09-29: Looking for a fight...
2007-09-27: iPhone or Equivalent, please.
2007-09-23: Obfuscating Java Code and Continuous Integration
2007-09-04: NZ-made Information Visualisation Software
2007-08-15: New Car
2007-08-05: A Formal Contract Language for Plugin-based Software Engineering
2007-08-01: Bush Joke
2007-07-31: Thanks Sun!
2007-07-27: Surgery Proposal #3
2007-07-21: Tricky Air New Zealand.....Real Tricky
2007-07-17: Semantic Web...Now in picture form!
2007-07-10: What is the Semantic Web in 34 words
2007-06-29: Java Manifest Frustrations
2007-06-04: Flight of the Conchords
2007-05-20: Graduation
2007-04-02: Semantic Web Video
2007-03-26: Decomposing Relevance
2007-03-26: I'm Linux
2007-03-01: Making the web work for you (or, How to be a lazy-ass)
2007-02-26: Introduction
2007-02-26: Need a better sort algorithm?
2007-02-25: Hello Planet NZTech
2007-02-21: Boca
2007-02-20: Introduction to the Semantic Web
2007-02-13: Wedding Photos
2007-02-06: Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us


2006-11-28: Semantic Web Technologies in the Enterprise
2006-11-28: SPARQLing RDF Repositories
2006-11-13: xkcd - comic genius
2006-11-05: Thoughts on things Semantic-y
2006-10-31: Integrating relational databases with RDF/OWL
2006-10-28: New Blog
2006-10-01: Microsoft are coming to Massey
2006-09-06: Wedding details
2006-08-14: Update
2006-06-30: Arm operation is now done
2006-06-21: Arm Operation is Nigh!
2006-06-15: Dynamic Context Menus & Plugins
2006-06-01: Plugin software development
2006-05-28: The Chewbacca Defense
2006-05-17: Arm Operation
2006-05-16: Wedding Update 3
2006-05-09: Wedding update 2
2006-05-07: Wedding Update 1
2006-05-03: Consolas Font
2006-05-02: News
2006-04-27: Metrics-based software engineering
2006-04-21: Software Plugins Part II
2006-04-05: Work
2006-03-29: Software Plugin Architectures
2006-03-23: Intro to my research
2006-03-23: Language overload
2006-03-16: First day
2006-03-15: Microsoft vists begin
2006-03-10: Finally, MS dates for Massey
2006-03-08: Cool Windows Vista Desktop Stuff
2006-03-08: Killing three birds with one stone
2006-03-06: T-Cosy Prizes
2006-03-05: Microsoft presentation and T-COSY
2006-03-04: Spore
2006-02-25: IMAP is pretty cool
2006-02-24: Off to Wellington
2006-02-10: Ambassador Profiles
2006-02-07: Work Overload Holiday
2006-01-28: Ambassador Orientation
2006-01-22: XPath and Leopard
2006-01-21: Full time programming
2006-01-19: Anyone got a loan? :-)
2006-01-19: MSN Spaces and Firefox
2006-01-19: Why Visual Studio?
2006-01-14: So where does everyone stand?
2006-01-13: Response to Waylon: student developers like features
2006-01-13: Windows Media Center
2006-01-11: Birthday
2006-01-10: Java?
2006-01-10: XPath
2006-01-05: Work


2005-12-24: Merry Christmas